My leadership coaching client is starting a new role soon. I’m very excited for them. And, I’ve been reflecting on what mindsets are most helpful at the beginning of a new job, especially for us science-trained leaders who naturally focus on the facts.
Here are three mindset shifts for starting a new leadership role:
1️⃣ Prioritize people, not content.
In a new role, our first concern is usually to “get up to speed” with the content. While that’s important, I’m guessing it won’t be difficult given your training. Instead, take advantage of the newness of the role to meet as many colleagues as possible, to get up to speed on them.
2️⃣ Talk about how, not what.
That first meeting with a new manager or direct report, it’s so easy to jump in and immediately discuss the work at hand. Instead, take a few minutes first to talk about how you’ll work together. There are a few prompt questions I can suggest, but anything you cover will be a good starting point for your working relationship.
3️⃣ It’s a marathon not a sprint.
Your new role likely comes with a to-do list as long as your arm. Yet, there are strategies for keeping some attention on the bigger questions, even if it’s just opening a file on your desktop and jotting down ideas. Plus, long term success relies on your own sustainable work approach, which is a whole ‘nuther discussion.
❓ What mindsets helped you when you began a new leadership role? I’d love to hear them! Please share them in the comment section below…
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