“You don’t need a 100 slide deck.”
…said the marketing manager when I told her I worked with scientists to become better leaders and communicators.
I asked what she needed from her scientific colleagues instead, and she said:
-Summarize the data so a non-expert can understand it.
-Tell me what you think the impact is.
-If I need more detail, I’ll ask.
But I also see the situation from the POV of the expert / scientist.
When you’re presenting, it’s really hard to let go of:
The need to have all the facts visible.
The need to justify carefully your point of view.
The need to NEVER be perceived as sloppy or wrong.
(By the way, I help scientific leaders grow beyond these mindsets 🌟 )
In the comments, I’d love to hear BOTH perspectives:
❓ How do you communicate your expertise so others can follow?
❓ And what can your expert colleagues do to make it easier to follow them?
And I know you won’t need 100 slides to do it.
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