Why Telling Your Manager What You Want Can Open Surprising Doors

”Funny you should ask” aren’t words you’d want to hear from your doctor or tax advisor.

But from your manager, they could be a sign of a really good thing. Here’s why.

Back in 2013, I was chatting with a friend about career stuff and saying how cool it would be to work in a different country like China. The same day, I had a regular 1×1 with my manager and decided to mention my interest.

“Funny you should ask,” he said.

He’d just heard from a mutual colleague who was setting up a team in Shanghai and was looking for someone to help out. I was amazed that this spontaneous expressed idea actually turned into a short term assignment there.

If I hadn’t taking the chance of mentioning my interest to my manager, I would never have had the opportunity.

Even the best managers can’t read your mind.

If there’s something you need or want in your role, speak up and ask for it. Most managers genuinely appreciate this direct approach. It certainly made my life easier when I was in those shoes.

And your wish might fit their need, with outstanding results.

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