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"Try It" - The Scientific Leadership Newsletter


This newsletter is for leaders and emerging leaders who want to learn and grow through practical advice.

It's particularly applicable to those who have a scientific or technical background which - even if you haven't been in the lab for years! - still shapes how you see the world.

I’m Rachel Kindt, PhD, former biotech executive, now leadership coach and writer.  My intention for the newsletter is to share the same type of guidance that I provide to my coaching clients.

Every two weeks, you will receive new insights and practice to:

  • Hone your leadership self-awareness

  • Enhance how you navigate through your work environment

  • As as result, you can be in the world more fully and take action more effectively.

I’m super practical, and will always boil down the topic and the "why" of the topic into something tangible you can try in the following weeks. These “assignments” don't take any real time; they can be done in the background of your usual day.

And by trying - experimenting - you will be learning about yourself and developing new leadership “muscles."

Try it today!

Subscribe to "Try It" newsletter today!

Recent "Try It" newsletters:

Why We Are All Salespeople, and That’s OK (or Even Good)

What I Learned When the Q&A Took An Unexpected Turn

What I Learned This Week by Examining my Own Beliefs

How to Say Yes in a Way that Maintains Balance & Engagement

What I Learned from an EV Road Trip about Dealing with Uncertainty

This Surprising Behavior Helped me Lead my Team to Accomplish its Goals

How Practice Makes Growth (& The Top 4 Scientific Leadership Ideas of the Year)

Here’s How To Overcome Uncertainty & Get Your Message Out When & Where It’s Needed

How a Leader Moves from Idea to Implementation

Here’s How to Approach This Often Overlooked Leadership Factor

How Experimenting in a Foreign Language Taught Me Intelligent Risk-Taking

How Leaders Communicate to Get Things Done and Make an Impact

Why Behave Like There’s All The Time in the World, Even When There’s Not

Why Leaders Should Explain the Why

How Leaders Can Let Go a Little to Accomplish a Lot

How a Powerful Question Can Get You Unstuck

What Effective Leaders Always Do Before Responding to a Challenge

The Surprising Decision Factor that Launched a Career, and How You Can Use It Too

Why Personal Growth is Too Important to be Left to Chance

Why the “Golden Rule” Isn’t Great for Effective Communication

How Knowing What You DON’T Like Can Be a Powerful Driver of Change

Are You Showing Up as Your “Stress Self” or Your Best Self Today?

What I Learned About Leading Courageously When a Trip Took an Unexpected Turn

What a Science Fiction Novel Taught Me About Leadership Communication

The Shift from Expert to Leader: What a Modern-Day Fable Teaches Us

The World Doesn’t Need Another Leadership Model (But I Made One Anyway)

What Delights You at Work? (And Why It Matters)

When Leaders Should Tell Instead of Show

Why Managing Your Manager Is a Career Superpower

How Leaders Can Leverage the Difference Between “Showing” and “Telling”

Leader, Are You Aware of the Difference Between Knowing and Noticing?

Still curious?

Give it a try!